Tony Valle

Author Archives: Tony Valle

August 10, 2015

Will You Recover?

I gained a deep understanding of “disaster recovery” in the best situation imaginable. I was a programmer/analyst for Northern Trust Bank, and for two years worked diligently on our “Y2K” disaster preparedness plan. To say the least, banks cannot afford to lose their data. The fear surrounding Y2K gave me an almost unlimited budget and access to endless resources.

Like so many other organizations, we passed through Y2K without a single glitch. Rather anti-climactic, but I learned a ton about disaster recovery.

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July 17, 2015

Are You Wasting IT Budget on This Common Mistake?

A multi-location law firm recently reached out to us with several issues. Their staff was constantly complaining of slow computers, and certain offices sporadically lost their network connection all-together. “Down-time” in any business is a problem.

Backup was another issue. They couldn’t get their backups to reliably run, and the partners were losing sleep over visions of permanently-lost client files. They couldn’t take the risk any more, and so reached out for help.

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June 25, 2015

Why You Might Be Running Unlicensed Software and How It Could Cost You Big Money

At Promethius Consulting, because as a Managed Services Provider we manage so many computer networks in Indiana, we have a whole lot of experience with software licensing. It seems like licensing your software should be easy, right? In reality, it's anything but easy.

In fact, most networks that we inherit are found to be running several applications without a proper license. This can be a huge liability to an organization. Audits are real and monetary penalties are stiff. Software Licensing is one of those issues that most business owners overlook and are completely unaware of.

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